How to Make Sure Your Content Is Right for Your Audience

In order to help you streamline your content marketing strategy, this week Webwindows lets you know how to make sure your content is right for your audience.

Content is Key in Web Marketing

Despite the fact that technologies and strategies have changed, Webwindows has witnessed the endurance of one constant in web marketing. Content is key.

Content marketing tips from Webwindows

Whilst you used to be able to create any content and stuff it with key words, the rise of Content Marketing means that these days, in order to get your ad campaign to rank on Google, it needs to be relevant. That is why it is more important than ever that you make sure any content you post is right for your audience.

Take Advantage of Social Media to Conduct Effective Market Research

There are two steps you need to take to manage this. The first is to identify said audience. Of course, this means market research, as you need to find out who your ideal reader is.

To conduct effective market research in the online age, take to social media. Get out there and interact with you audience. Put out polls and surveys. Build up a picture of your average reader in your head. How old are they? What is their job? What interests do they have? Where do they live? Most importantly, why might they come to you for your service or product?

You could use the Google dropdown to frame your content around, From here, you are ready to begin crafting content, but it’s somewhat of an exact science, so you need to constantly think about one thing. What do your readers need to know?

There’s one really handy technique you can implement to figure this out. Use long tail Google search terms. These are the questions and statements that people are typing into Google to receive certain information. When you start typing a question, popular phrases will appear in the dropdown,

You can use these phrases to build your content around, and such a strategy has two advantages. Firstly, it lets you know what your audience finds interesting. Secondly, because people are searching for these phrases, optimising your content with them will give your online assets power on Google, meaning more people are exposed to your web marketing strategy.

How to Buy Jewellery for Your Girlfriend

For example, say you are an upscale jeweller. Your audience typically will be women of a particular age with a certain amount of disposable income, or the men who ae married to them. Therefore, you could put ‘how to buy jewellery’ into Google.

You’ll soon see that a popular question that appears in the dropdown for this phrase, is, ‘how to buy jewellery for your girlfriend.’ You can use this to write a whole article featuring tips and tricks men can use to make sure they are buying the type of jewellery their girlfriends want to own. You know it will be effective, and right, because people want to know how to buy jewellery for their girlfriends!

Keep Your Audience in Mind Every Step of the Way

In conclusion, Webwindows asks that you always remember that when you are thinking of how to make sure your content is right for your audience, you make sure you keep said audience in mind every step of the way.

Only by doing so, can you ensure that your online ad campaign gets as much exposure as humanly possible, guaranteeing it will be effective in generating interest for your business.

Could We See an End to Free Social Media Marketing?

Last week, Webwindows came across a compelling piece in the Guardian that makes us ask; could we see an end to free social media marketing?

Through Organic Reach, It is Possible to Advertise for Free on Social Media

Whilst as a web marketing provider to companies across the UK, Webwindows knows that specific ads are not free, that they are bought, we would argue that there is such a thing as free social media marketing.

It has to do with organic each. Because of the way  that social media works, companies can organically build up marketing campaigns, which users will see through the optimisation of content. However in recent months, many have suggested that these days, sites such as Facebook and Twitter have evolved into nothing more than glorified advertising networks.

webwindows social media marketing

Facebook is Failing Marketers

To make its case, the Guardian goes on to cite Forrester research which was first published in October of last year. Through polling 395 marketers, the research concluded that “Facebook is failing marketers,” providing less business value than other platforms.

The poll asked the question, “How satisfied are you with the business value your company has achieved by using each of the following marketing channels.” It listed 13 such channels and asked respondents to score one (very dissatisfied) to five (very satisfied). Facebook came bottom of the table, with a score of 3.54. On site rating and reviews, meanwhile, came top at 3.84.

A Lack of Belief in Organic Reach

Going deeper into this conclusion Nate Elliot, Forrester’s report analyst, wrote on the release of the report why this might be. He argued that this lack of belief in Facebook’s reach lies in lacklustre ad targeting capabilities, which used social data ineffectively, thus prompting a disbelief in the site’s ability to foster organic reach.

Elliot went on to write that “everyone who clicks the like button on a brand’s Facebook page volunteers to receive that brand’s messages – but on average, you only show each brand’s posts to 16% of its fans.”

Hone Your Social Media Strategy to Perfection

So this damming evidence does seem to suggest that we are seeing an end to free social media marketing. If organic reach is on the decline, then the only way to utilise social media is to pay.

However, the fact that evidence shows that the top 1% of pages on social media sites still manage to reach 82% of their fans, suggests otherwise. In order to utilise organic reach, you just need to hone your social media marketing strategy to perfection.

Choosing Keywords

As your entire online ad campaign depends on the keywords you use, this week Webwindows lets you know how to choose the right keywords.

Keywords are Essential in Online Advertising

Through delivering innovative web marketing strategies for companies across the UK for the past ten years, Webwindows has learned one thing. Keywords are essential to any effective online marketing campaign.

Think about it, these campaigns are effective because the digital ads you pay for, the social media profiles you create, the blogs you write etc. are all optimised with specific keywords. Only then can they rank on search engines such as Google, and catch the attention of your target audience.

How to do Keyword Research

That is why it is vital that you learn how to choose the right keywords, and the best way to start is learning how to do keyword research. Only by researching what keywords do and don’t work for your industry, can you determine whether they will rank on Google.

So Google is the solution to your problem. Start by using the dropdown on the Google search bar. Put in certain industry specific terms. See how popular they are on the drop down, see how many search ads they bring up, what kind of long tail search terms they inspire etc.

Turn to a Keyword Research Tool

Once you’ve done this preliminary research, turn to keyword research tool, such as Google Ad words. You can use these research tools to get specific data on the search terms for your industry. You can find out how many people are searching them in your area, how often they are doing so, how competitive the term in question is – how many people use it etc.

Google Adwords

Use a keyword tool like Google Adwords

Now once all the research is done, it’s time to assess a keyword’s value and choose the right ones to optimise your campaign with. Generally, we would advise that you go for terms that are middle of the road. Go for terms that are being searched for, but aren’t too competitive, as the more competitive they are, the harder it is to use them to optimise your content with.

Let Your Business Be Your Guide

Whilst all of this will help you choose effective keywords, we would like to finish this blog article with this final piece of wisdom. The most important part of picking the right keyword for your campaign, is to let your business be our guide. If you run a gardening company, pick words about gardening.

When you do this, it has a major benefit. Because in content marketing, the emphasis is to produce natural content, choosing keywords specific to you will make it easier to write content that is actually relevant. And of course, the more relevant your content is, the more likely it is to rank on Google. That is why you should ultimately frame your choice of keyword around relevance, then use research to hone your list down to the best possible choice.

The Big Facebook Crash

In light of last week’s big Facebook crash, Webwindows lets you know how to protect your online marketing strategy when social media goes dark.

With Over 500 Million Users, Facebook is a Valuable Advertising Tool

Crafting bottom-line raising web marketing campaigns for UK companies for over a decade, Webwindows has come to recognise the valuable contributions that social media can bring to any advertising campaign.

With one well timed, accurately calibrated post on a social media site, you can bring your advertising campaign to a whole new audience, maximising its earning potential. Take Facebook for example. With over 500 million users, Facebook can broadcast your ad strategy to sections of your target audience who don’t read newspapers, who don’t peruse online blogs etc.

How Much Money did Facebook Lose in 20 Minutes?

Which is why it can be so damaging when the site crashes as it did last week. According to the Daily Mail, Facebook crashed for approximately 20 minutes. As a consequence, millions of users were locked out of their accounts.

It’s important to remember here that in the most recent quarter, the social media site made $2.91 billion in revenue – a significant portion of which was generated from online ad sales. This equals $22,453 of revenue per minute. Therefore, Facebook lost roughly $449,074 in ad revenues because they went down for 20 minutes.

How to Protect Yourself against a Facebook Crash

Alternately, if you flip it, you see why the site going down for 20 minutes was so damaging for companies who utilise Facebook’s powerful online ad service. Collectively, advertisers lost $449,074 in ad funds that they can never use to broadcast their strategies to their target audiences.

Facebook thumb down

Collectively, advertisers lost $449,074 in ad funds when Facebook crashed

This means that you need to protect your ad campaign from just such an event, and the only way to do so is to turn it into an opportunity on one of your other social media profiles. Did you know that when Facebook crashed, thousands took to rival site Twitter to complain about it, with the hashtag #facebookdown trending.  If a company had capitalised on this, by joining the conversation, they could have turned the crash into an opportunity to draw attention to their ad campaign.

When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonade

What Webwindows is basically saying here, is that when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Don’t let a Facebook crash impact your web marketing strategy. Instead, use it to join the conversation and find new ways to broadcast your ad campaign to your target audience!

Make sure you ‘like’ Webwindows on Facebook

Is Link Building Dead?

This week, Webwindows tackles the burning online marketing question of the moment; is link building dead and if so, what now?

What is Link Building?

As a firm that has dedicated itself to building effective web marketing strategies for the past decade, Webwindows knows all about link building. In this game, it’s impossible not to know about it.

For the uninitiated, link building is the process of inserting a number of links into your content, and building links back to your content via other online sources. Hence why marketing firms have long championed guest blogging, as they are a way to get a link back to your page on another site.

offsite seo from webwindows

Less link building, more link earning

RIP Link Building, You Were Simply Too Obvious

The theory behind this, is that Google can use the links to crawl between your pages, and assess the relevance of your content, allowing it to move up page one for your desired search term, and be seen by your target audience. But times have changed, and Google is all about being natural these days.

This means that link building is dead. Over the past few years, Google has been cracking down on unsavoury SEO practises, to make sure that users are finding relevant content. Link building is forced, as links are often inserted haphazardly. Therefore, as Google has introduced new algorithms such as Hummingbird, link building has been rendered impotent as an online marketing tool.

What is Link Earning?

Never fear though, new techniques are coming in to replace it. These days, it’s all about link earning. Link earning is exactly what you think it is; earning links naturally because of the relevance of your content.

This is why content marketing is more popular than ever. More and more, marketers are using content marketing to craft relevant pieces for public relations purposes, not for SEO purposes. However, through creating pieces that the media wants to feature, and building a relationship with the media, bloggers, etc., you earn links because news outlets want to feature said pieces, and Google sees these links as natural, allowing them to help, not hinder your marketing strategy.

Link Building Is Dead, Long Live Link Earning

So, in conclusion, Webwindows has known for some time that link building is dead. Yet as one practise dies, another rises in its place. Link building may be six feet under, but link earning is riding high in the skies, and benefiting multiple online marketing strategies every single day.

How Could Tweets from Users You Don’t Follow Help You’re Ad Campaign?

Following Twitter’s most recent announcement, Webwindows asks; how could tweets from users you don’t follow help your ad campaign?

You Need to Keep Track of Changes to Twitter

Through crafting versatile web marketing campaigns for businesses across the UK for the past ten years, Webwindows has noticed the amazing power of Twitter. Through the social media site, you can make sure that your ad campaign reaches people all over the world.

twitter logo

Which is why it’s always important to keep track of changes the site makes to its service; and it’s announced a serious change this week. According to the Washington Post, the site is now promoting posts from people users don’t know to their timelines.

The Change to Twitter’s Service in Twitter’s Own Words

The publication went on to report that the social media site itself had explained the change to users’ timelines. Twitter said:

“When we identify a Tweet, an account to follow, or other content that’s popular or relevant, we may add it to your timeline. This means you will sometimes see Tweets from accounts you don’t follow. We select each Tweet using a variety of signals, including how popular it is and how people in your network are interacting with it. Our goal is to make your home timeline even more relevant and interesting.”

Why Should You Care About Twitter’s Latest Change?

So it’s a fascinating idea, but how could it improve your ad campaign on Twitter? Essentially, the company aren’t promoting unknown tweets randomly on your timeline. They are promoting unknown posts that they believe will be relevant to you.

This means, that if something’s trending that might be relevant to you and you don’t know about it, it’ll be brought to your attention, allowing you to comment on it, retweet it, capitalise on it to utilise the trending topic function on Twitter etc. Basically, this function brings tweets you can turn to your advantage to you, meaning you don’t miss out on a single opportunity to use the site to promote your ad campaign.

This Change Could Benefit Your Ad Campaign Every Single Day

Whether this change turns out to be permanent, or just one of the social networking site’s many experiments, Webwindows believes is yet to be seen. If it is permanent though, it could prove highly advantageous to your ad campaign every single day.

You can follow Webwindows on twitter here! 


A GP Surgery in Essex shows us why Banning Twitter Always Backfires!

A recent move by a GP surgery in Essex has illustrated to Webwindows just why banning Twitter always backfires!

Webwindows has witnessed the Meteoric Rise of Twitter

Through offering a unique range of web marketing services to businesses of every shape and size throughout the past decade, Webwindows has been on the front lines for the rise and rise of Twitter. Today, you can’t craft an effective online advertising campaign without somehow incorporating the social media site.

That said, as we’ve shown in previous posts, we’ve seen how Twitter can be double edged sword when it comes to web marketing. One stupid, thoughtless or offensive post and soon enough, #WeHateYou or whatever is trending. It’s making national news, and all of a sudden, your online advertising campaign is royally screwed.

twitter logo

Rude, Aggressive or Abusive Behaviour

So we can see why many people would be tempted to ban their customers from complaining on Twitter, but should you actually do it. Well according to The Independent, a GP surgery in Essex recently tried.

They put up a notice banning patients from complaining about the St Lawrence Medical Practice in Braintree on social media sites, claiming that it fell in line with their “zero tolerance policy.” It turns out that this policy is the NHS guidance on handling aggressive, rude or abusive behaviour towards staff.

The notice read: “If you have any comments or complaints about the surgery please write to the practice manager. Do not use social media sites, Facebook/Twitter. Any comments we see on social media sites may be seen as a breach of our zero tolerance policy. We are happy to deal with your comments/complaints in the usual way.”

Why Did Banning Customers from Complaining on Twitter Fail Big Time?

They’re troopers, they really are, but obviously, this strategy failed big time. Customers took to social media sites in droves to mock and decry the notice. That caught the attention of national news  outlets such as the Independent, which is how we found out about it in the first place, ensuring that the notice received as much online exposure as physically possible.

Here’s the thing; consumers don’t like it when you tell them not to do something. They especially don’t like it when you deny them the right to complain about you.  It just makes it look like there’s something to complain about. It’s especially stupid to use language to suggest that people who are complaining because they genuinely received bad service are rude, abusive or aggressive. It’s a case of everyone knows the person who protests too much has a reason to protest.

Webwindows Advises You to Refrain Banning Consumers from Complaining on Twitter

That’s why Webwindows would always advise you to refrain from trying to ban people from Twitter. It’s an action of monumentally stupid proportions that is just begging for a trending topic. Don’t let angry twitter users ruin your web marketing campaign!

Be sure to follow Webwindows on Twitter.

UK Regulators Investigating Facebook and Twitter Ads

This week, Webwindows asks how the news that UK regulators are investigating Facebook and Twitter ads, may affect your web marketing strategy.

Webwindows has Borne Witness to the Rise and Rise of Social Media

At Webwindows, we have been providing a unique range of services to construct innovative web marketing strategies for the past ten years. In that time, we have borne witness to the rise and rise of social media as an advertising platform.

In the modern marketing industry, ads on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter can prove extremely lucrative. They literally have hundreds of millions of users, and can employ user data to make sure your ad is shown to the most likely consumer base to be receptive to it.

Lax Social Media Ad Regulation Could Be Set to Change

Of course, like with any other advertising strategy, ads on Facebook and Twitter are subject to regulation. In order utilise this marketing opportunity, you need to know the regulations involved. Only then can you craft an ad that truly has the potential to lift your bottom line.

facebook and twitter icons

Adverts on Facebook and Twitter are subject to regulation

Until recently, regulation in this area has been somewhat lax. However, that could be set to change. According to Digital Spy, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has announced that it is exploring ways to regulate adverts on Twitter, Facebook and other social networking forums.

Character Limitations Can Constrain Advertiser use of Social Media

In a statement, the FCA elaborated on the plans. They said that: “Digital and, in particular, social media are now becoming the media of choice in many cases for customer communications and specifically for financial promotions.”

“We see positive benefits from using social media but this has to be based on compliance. A number of these media, however, have character limitations which can constrain their use.” Twitter is a notable example of this.  Some firms have already complained that the 140 character limit is extremely restrictive for advertising purposes.

Regulation is not a Dirty Word

In a lot of cases, companies often think of ‘regulation’ as a dirty word. However in this case, WebWindows would argue that it could be a good thing. It could make it far easier to harness the power of social media for your ad campaign. Whether it will, we’ll just have to wait and see.

For more news like this – visit the Webwindows Blogspot.


Receive Maximum Exposure by Advertising in the Sunday Times

This week Webwindows explains why if you wish to receive maximum exposure for your ad campaign, you need to advertise in the Sunday Times.

In Webwindows Experience, Newspapers Are Valuable for Advertising

For over a decade, Webwindows have offered clients a unique range of services, which has allowed them to ensure that their web marketing strategy benefits their bottom line.

Throughout our line of work, we have often found that advertising in newspapers is a time-tested, cost-effective and valuable way of reaching your target audience. That is because they foster trust in their readers, who see them as credible sources of news content and high quality editorials.

Which Newspapers Should You Advertise With?

Therefore, the adverts those publications choose to feature benefit from the good will the paper has built up with its readers. This credibility is why it is a wise idea to feature newspapers in any advertising strategy. But which newspaper should you advertise with?

In Webwindows’ experience, the Sunday Times is prime example of the type of publication you should choose. Not only does it enjoy a circulation of 812,515, according to Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC), it is seen as a credible information source by its readers. Consequently, display adverts with the Sunday paper receive greater trust from its readers, because they benefit from its perceived credibility.

Sunday Times Logo

Catch Your Reader at the Right Time, You Can Sell Them Anything

Furthermore, Sunday itself puts the paper at an advantage. Since the day is a holiday, people let their guards down, they are more willing to spend lazy hour’s browsing through the Sunday Times.

This affords them more time to peruse not only the news and editorials, but the adverts, whether or not they intend to buy anything. The element of choice this presents the reader, which is lacking when it comes to TV adverts, which are thrust upon them, make them more open to what your advert has to say.

This is backed up by research. Data shows that across all the components of the sales funnel, the Sunday Times produces the best results. Whether your desire is to drive sales or build brand awareness, an advert in the Sunday Times will help you attain your desired result. Furthermore, it will ensure maximum return for the investment you put in, and broadcast your message to a wealthy, highly informed audience, with significant purchasing power.

Staggering Almost 50% Ad Revenue Rise for Mail Online.

Evidence suggesting its ad revenue rose by nearly 50%, has further convinced Webwindows of the need for everyone to advertise with the Mail Online.

At Webwindows, We Know Our Craft

Over the last decade, Webwindows, the agency which offers a unique range of key web marketing services, has become a UK leader in all things web marketing. How? We know our craft.

You don’t get ahead in this game without keeping track of the numbers.  Who’s heading to which online news platform? Which platform has attracted the most viewers? Which has attracted the most ad revenue? Often, when an online news source is attracting the most ad revenue, there’s a reason why, and that reason is generally that they’re the best platform to advertise with.

Huge Rises in Ad Revenue for Mail Online

That’s why we’re not even slightly surprised that the Mail Online has had such a significant spike in ad revenue. The consistently high (even staggering high) views per day they get is astounding. On numbers alone, the Mail Online is a web marketing dream.

daily mail

And the latest numbers back that up. According to the latest figures, the Mail Online saw a 49% ad revenue increase in the quarter to 30th June. It rose £5 million from the quarter before, to hit £15 million.

Can the Mail Online Stay On Target?

This is a real turnaround for the Mail Online. In the last financial year, despite proving lucrative, it failed to hit its £45 million revenue goal; stalling at £41 million. Therefore, that means that it needs a 46% growth on that figure across 2014 to climb to £60 million.

The Mail Online’s parent company (Daily Mail and General Trust) has commented on the recent findings. They noted that factors such as advertising revenues across its print and digital publications, as well as exchange rate fluctuations, has ensured it has grown 4% year-on-year.  Also, they said that in the three weeks since 29th June, underlying ad revenues have risen 9% year-on-year.

There’s a Reason People Are Advertising with the Mail Online

All this indicates that the Mail Online’s ad revenue is growing and growing fast. The numbers really do speak for themselves, there’s a reason people want to advertise with the Mail Online. That’s why Webwindows highly suggests you involve them in any web marketing strategy, if you want it to work and help lift your company’s bottom line!