Receive Maximum Exposure by Advertising in the Sunday Times

This week Webwindows explains why if you wish to receive maximum exposure for your ad campaign, you need to advertise in the Sunday Times.

In Webwindows Experience, Newspapers Are Valuable for Advertising

For over a decade, Webwindows have offered clients a unique range of services, which has allowed them to ensure that their web marketing strategy benefits their bottom line.

Throughout our line of work, we have often found that advertising in newspapers is a time-tested, cost-effective and valuable way of reaching your target audience. That is because they foster trust in their readers, who see them as credible sources of news content and high quality editorials.

Which Newspapers Should You Advertise With?

Therefore, the adverts those publications choose to feature benefit from the good will the paper has built up with its readers. This credibility is why it is a wise idea to feature newspapers in any advertising strategy. But which newspaper should you advertise with?

In Webwindows’ experience, the Sunday Times is prime example of the type of publication you should choose. Not only does it enjoy a circulation of 812,515, according to Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC), it is seen as a credible information source by its readers. Consequently, display adverts with the Sunday paper receive greater trust from its readers, because they benefit from its perceived credibility.

Sunday Times Logo

Catch Your Reader at the Right Time, You Can Sell Them Anything

Furthermore, Sunday itself puts the paper at an advantage. Since the day is a holiday, people let their guards down, they are more willing to spend lazy hour’s browsing through the Sunday Times.

This affords them more time to peruse not only the news and editorials, but the adverts, whether or not they intend to buy anything. The element of choice this presents the reader, which is lacking when it comes to TV adverts, which are thrust upon them, make them more open to what your advert has to say.

This is backed up by research. Data shows that across all the components of the sales funnel, the Sunday Times produces the best results. Whether your desire is to drive sales or build brand awareness, an advert in the Sunday Times will help you attain your desired result. Furthermore, it will ensure maximum return for the investment you put in, and broadcast your message to a wealthy, highly informed audience, with significant purchasing power.